Given that in the past we have normally come up with a new flavor every year or so, I thought that I’d let all of you who occasionally ask “any new flavors?” what’s going on in the Research and Development Department.  We are working on a few possibilities for new flavors, but a lot of my time recently has been spent on revamping some of our current recipes. We’ve been experimenting with new extracts, oils and flavorings to see if we can improve some of our original flavors, and I think that we’ve definitely had some success.  So, without further ado, here are some of the flavors that we’ve been working to improve, and when you can expect to see them for sale online and at our markets and events.

We’ve been working on three of our spicy flavors, trying to up the heat a bit and enhance the flavor profiles.  Our Sweet Chili flavor is still on the mild side, but we’ve boosted the flavor a bit by adding a chili sauce (which one is a secret!) to the glaze. We’ve also increased the heat level for our Wing Nut and Smoky Hot Chipotle recipes, while maintaining a great flavor to go with the heat. The Wing Nuts are still a nice medium (with a bit more kick) and the Smoky Hot Chipotle is more on the hot side than it was before, but they’re still not ridiculously hot.  I’m afraid that those of you who want inferno level almonds are just going to have to wait until we can get a better ventilation system in our commercial kitchen!

Some of our other flavors are also getting a flavor boost. I finished revising the Blueberry Crumble flavor about four months ago, and I’ve got to say that the new and improved version has become my new overall favorite.  The new version has been out for a few months now, and has had a great response from our customers.  A few other flavors that will be getting a makeover soon are the Cinnamon Cappuccino (it will have a more pronounced coffee flavor and should be available soon), and the Wild Strawberry.  The Wild Strawberry flavor is going to take a bit longer to be released (probably 2-3 months), but it’s going to be worth the wait!

I hope that this explains why there haven’t been any new flavors recently, and that you’re all looking forward to trying the “new and improved” recipes that we’ve been working on.

Thanks Much,

Bruce Telford

Recipe Research, New and Old

That’s right folks – just because fall is almost upon us doesn’t mean that fresh produce stops coming in, or that the Farmers Markets stop happening.  The markets go through October, and though some produce will go away before then, there will still be squash, pumpkins, and other fall vegetables.  And it’s looking like there should be fresh Palisade peaches through September this year, which is great.  And even when the peaches are gone there will be fresh plums and apples – great for snacking and for pies, cobblers, etc.!


Corn should be in season for quite awhile still as well, and melons from Rocky Ford are still at the markets, plus all sorts of other fresh veggies.  And if you’re going to be grilling any burgers for Labor Day, you can get all the fixings (lettuce, fresh tomatoes that actually taste like tomatoes, and […]

For those of you who have never noticed, Sweet Almande roasts slivered almonds in our savory and spicy flavors as well as whole almonds. The main reason we do this is that while you can use whole almonds for salads or other dishes, a whole almond in a salad can be a surprise for the teeth, and we don’t want to be the cause of any of our customers needing a new crown! Slivered almonds still have a nice crunch without being too much for your teeth, and they add a lot of flavor as well.

Cooking with Sweet Almande Slivered Almonds!

And so without further ado, here are the flavors of slivered almonds we make and some of my favorite things to do with them! Roasted Garlic Slivered Almonds: A customer favorite, these can be sprinkled on salads or green beans for a nice crunch and a great garlic flavor. They are also great on sautéed […]

As much as we hate to do it, we are raising our per bag prices by a dollar for 2023.  Just like pretty much everyone else, our costs have increased dramatically over the last year or two.  From raw materials to rent and utilities for our commercial kitchen, everything has gone up.  We held off as long as we could on a price increase, waiting until after the holiday season because we didn’t want to make the season any more expensive than it already is.

Prices are Going Up for Sweet Almande Products in 2023

Not sure how it got to be October already, but here we are. And of course, as of the first of October our holiday flavors are available.

Holiday Flavors Are Available!

Well, our brand new flavor, Lemon Drop is now available for order online.  They have been available at the farmers markets since the second week in July, and is available in almonds, pecans and cashews!  If you haven’t been lucky enough to see us there and try some, they are, in my own humble opinion, awesome.  A nice, right up front lemon flavor, followed by (oddly enough) a fruity breakfast cereal aftertaste.  I’ve heard that the aftertaste resembles Fruit Loops, Fruity Pebbles, and at least two or three other breakfast cereals – but honest, no cereal in the recipe at all!

New Lemon Drop Flavor Now Available Online!!!

Good Lord, it’s August already.  Which, in addition to still more rather warm days, also means – back to school time!  Bad news for (some) kids and blessed release for (most) parents.  But, once school starts, comes the continuing problem of what sort of snack to give the school bound students.  You want something healthy, but it has to be tasty as well or it’s liable to wind up in a trashcan, or be traded for Lord knows what.  But of course, most of the tastiest and most popular snacks – chips, candy, etc. – are nowhere near good for you.  What to do, what to do…

Back to School Again!

Wow, 20 years since we started going nuts.  I don’t mind so much when time flies, but when it hits warp speed I start to wonder.  For those of you who don’t know how we got started, let me give you a quick synopsis.

It’s Our 20th Anniversary! Let’s Celebrate!

1 Bag - No Discount

2 Bags - $1 each

3+ Bags - $1 each